SANICKA Inc. was incorporated in Georgia in 2021 and is based on patented inventions derived from the Biomedical Systems Engineering Laboratory at the Georgia Institute Technology and Emory University.
SANICKA offers integrated in-vitro/in-silico/in-vivo technologies, providing innovative and tailor-made solutions to the Healthcare & Biopharma industries. The core competence of our team is mathematical modeling of biological systems.

Provide healthcare professionals with predictive precision medicine tools to improve patient outcomes.
Personalization and optimization of treatment strategies to enhance efficacy and reduce toxicity.
Improve the patient experience through interactive visualization tools of dynamic treatment responses and outcomes.

Every cancer patient should receive personalized treatment


Professor, BME (GTech/Emory)
Bioprocess Engineer
Dr. Mantalaris is a bioprocess engineer with a particular focus on developing integrated modeling-experimental platforms for biological/biomedical systems. His research philosophy emphasizes multidisciplinary research with a focus on applied bioprocessing that bridges science, engineering, and medicine. Prior to joining W.H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech & Emory, he was Professor of Biosystems Engineering at the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. His group has published over 180 peer-reviewed journal publications, 20 book chapters, and edited one book. Dr. Mantalaris has been awarded several patents and has participated in over 45 research projects as PI or co-PI raising over $45M of research funding ($15M directly to the lab). He was elected as Fellow of the American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering in 2016, awarded the Donald Medal by the Institution of Chemical Engineering for “for his work in bioprocess engineering” in 2015, and was awarded an Advanced Investigator Award by the European Research Council in 2013.

Assoc Professor, HemOnc (Emory) Leukemia
Dr. Panoskaltsis is a clinician-scientist with a niche interest in translational interdisciplinary research focused on the study of normal and abnormal blood formation. She completed her Medical Degree at the University of Toronto, Canada followed by a Residency in Internal Medicine and back-to-back Fellowships in Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation at the University of Rochester, NY, USA. She thereafter completed a PhD in Immunology at Imperial College London, UK where she also co-founded the BioMedical Systems Engineering Laboratory for interdisciplinary and translational research (at Imperial College London, 2004) with Dr Mantalaris, now located jointly in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at The Georgia Institute of Technology and Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University.
Dr. Panoskaltsis’ subspecialty is in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), specifically in (1) the immune biology and pathogenesis of the disorder, (2) the development of innovative strategies to treat/prevent disease using 3D ex vivo culture models and, (3) in creating novel immuno-chemotherapeutic precision treatments for AML using in silico mathematical modelling. She has over 25 years’ experience in Phase I-Phase IV trials in Hematologic Malignancies, with particular emphasis in AML and myeloid neoplasms. In 2006, due to her expertise in Hemato-Oncology, Immunology and clinical trials, she handled the aftermath of the serious adverse event which occurred in London after 6 healthy volunteers were administered TGN1412, an anti-CD28 super-agonist antibody, and caused a near-fatal cytokine storm. The successful handling of the event resulted in changes in the conduct of first-in-man trials internationally for novel higher-risk therapeutics, and also sowed the seeds in her own research of creating ways in which to improve efficacy and reduce toxicity in AML treatment via mathematical modelling. She co-founded SANICKA, Inc in 2021 to address this unmet need.

Member of PIDG Ltd Audit &
Investment Committees

Director at Aflac Cancer and Blood

Gary C. Butler Family Chair

Eugene DuPont Chair
University of Delaware